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UP Aerospace Inc

A Space Launch Services Company

UP Aerospace is a space launch and flight test service provider specializing in advanced engineering, launch technology development, and state-of-the-art rapid and low cost launch operations. Our headquarters are located in Denver, Colorado, with launch facilities at Spaceport America in New Mexico.

November 8, 2024 - UP Aerospace successfully launched SpaceLoft 20 at 11:14 pm local time from Spaceport America, New Mexico
(Denver, Colorado) - The launch of the SpaceLoft-20 rocket signified the success of a payload and research mission UP Aerospace completed for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The Cyclone-1 mission allowed the organization to conduct crucial flight testing of technology and components in the Cyclone-1 payload. Upon the rocket reaching its apogee, the research payload was released and monitored by LANL scientists throughout its descent back to the Earth. During flight, an onboard telemetry system transmitted in-flight information regarding the payload’s performance and its functionality. “The launch was conducted smoothly and reflects the success of our partnership with UP Aerospace, Spaceport America, and WSMR”, said LANL Program Manager Stephen Judd. This was the 4th successful separation mission for UP Aerospace where the payload was separated from the launch vehicle.  



October 1, 2024 - UP Aerospace successfully launched SpaceLoft 15 at 7:09 am local time from Spaceport America
(Denver, Colorado) - The SpaceLoft vehicle carried a variety of payloads for NASA's Flight Opportunity Program which provided opportunities for the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Space Agency (AIS), and their contractors VisionSpace and Qascom to send three multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems into space. This was the 14th sub-orbital launch that UP Aerospace has conducted for NASA from Spaceport America since 2007. Trevor Morgan, President of UP Aerospace stated, "Because UP Aerospace has been proven as a responsive and reliable active launch provider, NASA has trusted us with their high profile and highly important payloads. With each launch our capability as well as reliability has been demonstrated. UP Aerospace has shown that we are able to exponentially increase our capacity to launch and meet the increasing customer demand."   


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September 20, 2024 - Successful static test fire of new Spyder rocket motor. 
(Denver, Colorado) - UP Aerospace, Inc. (UPA), in conjunction with Cesaroni Aerospace, Inc. (CAI), successfully developed and test fired their newest Spyder solid rocket motor at their facilities at Spaceport America in New Mexico. The test qualified the motors to be used on the Spyder launches currently under contract for launch in 2025 for Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Spyder launch vehicle continues to build on achievements of many years of successful missions with UPA and their SpaceLoft rocket.

The motor test once again demonstrates UPA's capabilities to develop new technology and achieve desired and successful results, as well as validating growth potential in a very competitive private aerospace industry.

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